Friday, 12 August 2011

Angel Delight Cake Frosting

Apologies to all my international readers, but this little handy tip might only be of use to you if you are in the UK. 
It happened out of necessity. I had a cake to ice but had no butter or anything else to make butter icing, all I had was a packet of Angel Delight butterscotch flavour. I mixed it with half the quantity of milk advised and then added icing sugar until it was cake frosting consistency. If you add even more icing sugar to make a stiffer paste you could use a piping bag, so I may do this next time. If you use skimmed milk, then this is a much much lower fat option than regular butter icing, and I have to tell was DELICIOUS ! 

Really finger lickingly delicious! I had enough to top and fill a regular sponge cake and some left over for a batch of cupcakes. It kept fine in the fridge for a week. 
Now I can't wait to try this with the other flavours available!!!


  1. That actually looks and sounds delicious! Mmmmm, you've really given me an idea ;)

  2. What a great idea. It looks delicious. Elaine

  3. Ohhh it looks scrumptious. Lee xx

  4. Making it myself as we speak thankyou xx

  5. Wow 😮 I’m going to make this today and I’ve got strawberry 🍓 milkshake for the cake and chocolate Angel Delight 🤔


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