On another note, a while back I had asked for advice about ironing linen. Well, my husband just bought me a lovely new iron, and now I have no problems ironing it. Don't know why I put up with the old iron for so long. I finally managed to tackle the mountain of months old ironing that was piling up and can now see the bottom of the basket!
(So now that I know I can iron this linen I bought, I think I may make some nice new pillowcases and a duvet cover from it.) More things to add to my TO DO list !
I've also been making some of my little boxes ready for the next batch of jewellery I am going to make. I've been meaning to target the art gallery down the road for a couple of years now and it's about time I got around to it.
The picture above is of a little birdy who flew into our kitchen window and stunned himself. However, he did recover and flew off after sitting there for about an hour. It's a bit like us, we felt kind of stunned for a while but now by God's grace, we are beginning to pick ourselves up and get on with things again.