Hello, my name's Doda and I'm addicted to buying second hand chairs. Is there perhaps a group for those so afflicted? I find it hard to pass up a bargain. Doesn't matter if it looks pretty shabby, as long as it has good bones, I can't help myself.
I've picked up some pretty good bargains over the years. I usually don't spend more than £10 a chair. Most have been cheaper. My poor patient husband sighs when I tell him I've found another chair needing a home. Trouble is, many of them are still awaiting a makeover. Anyhoo, here are a few of my more recent finds....
I bought 3 of these chairs last week for £10 in total. Actually only 2 of them are solid, the third has problems with it's joints- (I know the feeling!), so I bought them for £5 each and the seller threw in the third one for free. I am sure I can do something with it. The two good ones will go in the kitchen as I have an ecclectic mismatched chair collection going on in there that these will work well with (I think I will cover them first though ;-) )
Then I just got two of these absolutely lovely chairs for the bedroom, they were only £10 each and I am sure I can do something pretty with them...eventually.
I have seen a fabric I really fancy that would work nicely on these. I love anything with butterflies and beetles and bugs for some reason.
While we were parked under the most gigantic monkey puzzle tree at this amazing old house picking up the two bedroom chairs, the lady who was selling them offered us another 4 mixed dining type chairs for free which she said were going to the dump if we didn't take them as she was moving the next day and didn't have room for them all. Well, OK then ! They're not amazing but they are nice enough. Each one different. So, that's another few to add to my list of projects. I also already have a couple of classy wooden armchairs in the garage awaiting my attention. So many chairs, so little time...I think there will come a point when I renovate and sell some of them. But we are still finding the right furniture for our new house. Juggling things around to see what works best for us. It's a process.
Right...I have a chair to upholster, got to go.