Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Hello, remember me?

I know, I know. I'm a pathetic blogger these days. I agree! I've been pretty busy, but I usually just put what I am doing on my Instagram account these days and I forget to update the blog.

So what have I done since I was last on here? The course I was on at the beginning of the year really helped me to focus my ideas and see what it is that I want to do, so that has helped me to set myself various projects which I am working away on. It is good to have goals.

I've been working on a collection of watercolour mushroom among other things. I've been editing a collection of my dad's poetry that he wants to give to each of the family. I've also been renovating furniture, looking after my family doing all the usual things one has to do. I don't know really...time flies past.

Well, I have a long to do list for the day, so I better get on with it.
Have a lovely day.

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