Sunday, 25 March 2018

Make Art That Sells - MATS

I am currently in the third month of a five month long course call MATS Bootcamp. It is designed to get those creative juices flowing and help you put together 5 pieces of work suitable for an illustration portfolio. I have to say I am loving getting back to my art. It has been far too long.

Above is my portrait of Belva Lockwood, a famous American suffragist. I have discovered in doing this that I really enjoy researching for an artwork. She is quite a character.

Last month we designed a journal cover. Mine was based on Tea Leaves.

And then in January we designed a non-fiction childrens book cover based on a celebrity chosen for us. Mine was Tina Fey, who in fact I had never heard of, so it was a good challenge. It certainly took me out of my comfort zone. However, I think the biggest benefit so far from the course is that it has got me back to creating art when for so long it had been put on the back burner. I have loads and loads of ideas now of things I want to paint and make and I am just itching to do them. I can't wait to see what our next topic is going to be.

Until next time...

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